Load and prepare the data

data <- read.csv("pml-training.csv")
## [1] 19622   160
table(data$classe) #manner to be predicted
##    A    B    C    D    E 
## 5580 3797 3422 3216 3607

Using summary(data), learning about variables. Some variables with too many NAs or Blank, and first 7 variables about the number(X), user, time and windows, are also irrelevant. Removing these variables from predictors.

v <- apply(is.na(data)|data=="", 2, sum)
sum(v==0); sum(v>19000)
## [1] 60
## [1] 100
data <- subset(data[,v==0]); data <- data[-c(1:7)]
## [1] 19622    53

Explore the data

Now we have 53 variables, combination of:

6 different ways: roll, pitch, yaw, gyros, accel and magnet

4 accelerometer locations: belt, arm, dumbbell, forearm

Now exploring variables with some plots.

Machine learning

Split data to training & testing sets for cross validation

inTrain <- createDataPartition(y=data$classe, p=0.6, list=FALSE)
train <- data[inTrain,]; test <- data[-inTrain,]

Classification Model

It’s a question of classification.

Trying to use classification tree, random forest, model based prediction nad moosting. With default setting, method=“lda” is best for its accuracy and speed.

The Accuracy is about 0.70, so the out of sample error is expected 0.30.

modFit <- train(classe~., method="lda", data=train)
##   parameter  Accuracy     Kappa  AccuracySD     KappaSD
## 1      none 0.6969599 0.6164363 0.007214281 0.009004911
pred <- predict(modFit, test)
table(pred, test$classe)
## pred    A    B    C    D    E
##    A 1838  259  141   90   61
##    B   40  973  123   62  238
##    C  195  159  902  149  144
##    D  153   55  160  944  149
##    E    6   72   42   41  850
sum(pred==test$classe)/dim(test)[1] # Testing Set's Accuracy
## [1] 0.7018863

The accuracy of testing set is a little better than that of training set.

It’s not so good. But is as expected.

Machine learning algorithm apply to Test data

For submission of predictions, use the model to original Test data.

testing <- read.csv("pml-testing.csv")
answer <- predict(modFit, testing); answer
##  [1] B A B C C E D D A A D A B A E A A B B B
## Levels: A B C D E